lundi 13 mai 2013

Bread festival 2013

During the public holiday last week, I decided to walk around Paris with my camera. I walked during 20km ! It was great.

 It was a beautiful day : I went to the "Centre Georges Pompidou", "Hôtel de ville" (where I saw a crazy parrot !!! the picture is coming in an other post ^^) , "Notre Dame de Paris" ... and it was at this last place that I discovered a festival : the bread festival.
It was the first time I heard about that.
After some research on the internet, I have found this festival was created in 1996. Bakers can give pride of place to their job.

Here are some pictures :
Poster of the Bread Day 2013 in Paris
Here is Notre Dame de Paris on the background
French Bread ! Miam ^^
They are baking some viennoiseries
they are cooking some bread

In an other post soon, I am going to post other pictures I took this day about the "Hôtel de ville de Paris" where it was the preparations of the Europe Day, about Notre Dame de Paris ...

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