samedi 6 juillet 2013

World kissing day !

Hi again,

today it's the world kissing day ! So if you love someone just kiss him/her.
I know you don't need to wait this day but it's like the Valentine's day. I think all couples celebrate it. More romantic for some people :)

So The World day of kiss was born in the 90's, and it's today : the 6 of July.

You know a kiss as some virtues:
  • Burnt calories in kissing
For a kiss you need around 20 muscles. So a longggggg kiss burnes calories :)

  • A kiss for distress and protect your hard
Thanks to a kiss your heart rate is going to be slowly. You secrete hormones (call Love hormone) and endorphin so during a kiss you level of stress decreases.

  • A kiss for a longer life ? 
Thanks to the oxytocin the kiss is good for the immune system !
Less glamour but a kiss gives a lot of bacterium (around 50 millions for a french kiss) so thanks to that your organism can have a better defense in producing antibody.

  • Kiss to be more lovers !
The oxytocin hormone caused a strong feeling and you seem to be lover from your partner. 

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