dimanche 28 juillet 2013

Chaussons au thon

Voici ma première recette salée sur mon blog.

Je suis assez contente du résultat.

Pour 4/5 grands chaussons il faut :
- 140 g de thon en boîte
- 3 parts de vache qui rit
- une tomate coupée en morceau
- du sel et poivre

Et le plus c'est d'avoir le chausson party (tupperware) qui vous aide à relier la pâte.

Mélanger le thon, la vache qui rit, les dés de tomate et le sel et poivre dans un saladier.
Couper la pâte feuilletée en 4 et garnir la pâte avec la farce.

Fermer le plus fort possible pour que la jointure se fasse correctement.

Napper de jaunes d'oeufs.

Laisser cuire environ 10 minutes à 190°.
Voici le résultat :)

Beaucoup de déclinaisons sont possibles. J'en ai fait au chocolat banane, mais j'ai oublié de prendre une photo, ils ont été mangé très vite ^^.

mercredi 10 juillet 2013

Burger King !

Hi there !

Everybody know BURGER KING !!!!
But this fast food has disappeared 15 years ago from France. But more exactly since 7 months 2 restaurants are going back to France : one at Marseille Aeroport, and the other one on the highway in Reims (A4).

Open your eyes now !!!! The most important thing is the opening of Burger King in PARIS !!
Yes PARIS !!!! Ouffff ! a lot of people are waiting for it :)

So the idea place for this fast food is at the St Lazare Gare : almost the middle of Paris, a lot of tourists, a lot of parisiens, workers ...
The area restaurant is about 450m2 with 2 floors, I can't wait for it !

Whet one's appetite !

lundi 8 juillet 2013

Gay pride 2013

I was in the street last week end near Bastille and I saw a lot of policemen and I was wondering what was happening. So I kept walking in the street and I saw a huge concert on the Bastille place with a lot of people.
Let see some pictures of some people I saw ^^

dimanche 7 juillet 2013

Miss Tic in Paris

I have decided to create an Street Art page because in Paris there is a lot of nice drawings on walls...

Here is one I found 15 Mazarine Street in the 6 district of Paris

Miss Tic is an artist born in February 1956 in Paris. She has begun to put these works in Paris since 1985. She had a very difficult childhood with the dead of her parents and brother. 

samedi 6 juillet 2013

World kissing day !

Hi again,

today it's the world kissing day ! So if you love someone just kiss him/her.
I know you don't need to wait this day but it's like the Valentine's day. I think all couples celebrate it. More romantic for some people :)

So The World day of kiss was born in the 90's, and it's today : the 6 of July.

You know a kiss as some virtues:
  • Burnt calories in kissing
For a kiss you need around 20 muscles. So a longggggg kiss burnes calories :)

  • A kiss for distress and protect your hard
Thanks to a kiss your heart rate is going to be slowly. You secrete hormones (call Love hormone) and endorphin so during a kiss you level of stress decreases.

  • A kiss for a longer life ? 
Thanks to the oxytocin the kiss is good for the immune system !
Less glamour but a kiss gives a lot of bacterium (around 50 millions for a french kiss) so thanks to that your organism can have a better defense in producing antibody.

  • Kiss to be more lovers !
The oxytocin hormone caused a strong feeling and you seem to be lover from your partner. 

Garnier Palace (Le Palais Garnier)

The other day I visited the Paris Opera. It really really worth it !! I enjoyed a lot, it's so beautiful.

Short history :
The Paris Opera (or L'Opéra de Paris in French) was founded in 1669 by Louis XIV.
There were some projects of renovation works in Paris organized by Napoléon III.
The Paris Opera one of these projects which were supervised by Baron Haussmann and Charles Garnier won it (he was unknown, and 35 years old).
The works lasted 15 years from 1860 to 1875.
The name of this monument was The Paris Opera for a long time but with the opening of the Bastille Opera (in 1989, in Paris as well) we call the Paris Opera by the name of its architect : Garnier.
The Garnier Palace is listed historical monument since October 1923.

Each years, the Garnier Palace presents about 380 performances of opera, ballet and other concerts.

Here is the front of the Garnier Palace :

So it's time to see some pictures of inside ^^

The Grand Staircase
The nave of the Grand Staircase is one of the famous place of the Garnier Palace : with marbles from different colors.

Painting from DEBAT-PONSAN Edouard (1847-1913) which represents
Miss Sandrini,  role of Lilia in La Maladetta of Pedro Gauilhard.
The Grand Foyer
view from one of balcony of the Garnier Palace
The auditorium
In 1963, Chagall was commissioned to paint the new celling for the Paris Oper.
an other room

I really like the last one, I have found these lamps very beautiful and esthetic. I like the color

More information on the official website.

One more night

Hi there !

Here is the Youtube link of a song I listen a lot at the moment.
One more night from One drop.