mardi 21 mai 2013

Blarney Castle

Blarney Castle is located 8 km from Cork City.
This castle is very famous for its stone ! I am going to explain you why !
Here is the brochure of Blarney Castle.
Here is the map of Blarney Castle and huge gardens.

You can see a whole at the top of this castle, here is the place  you have to kiss the stone.
So you have to go up the stairs in order to arrive at the top of the castle. While waiting for my turn, I took this picture, a bid appeared on the window.
Here is the place where you can kiss the stone.
If you kiss it, you will have the power of conferring eloquence.
The stone is set in the wall below the battlements, and to kiss it, you have to lean backwards (grasping on iron railing).
It is little scary to lie on the floor and kiss this stone, but I DID it !!! ^^  I was very happy.

It is written on the left that you are not allowed to take a picture on this side, but don't pay attention to that, and take your picture because even if there is an automatic machine it is very very expensive to buy one... So take yours, and sometimes it's better !
Let's continue the visit with the gardens.

I really really enjoyed these kind of masks. It's very mysterious...

Blarney house

A mushroom which is sculpted in a tree.
The Witches Stone ! You can make a wish, I made it with an Euro coin . I hope it will happen ^^

Last thing you can see at the end of the visit of the gardens : beautiful flowers... again !

See you in an other post, don't hesitate to comment or ask questions :)

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