lundi 27 mai 2013

Quatre-quarts aux pommes

Voici un gâteau que j'ai cuisiné.

Il provient de mon livre de cuisine : Encyclopédie des dessert (édition Flammarion).  Livre qui m'a été dédicacé par Christophe Michalak.

Pour information, Christophe Michalak a été champion du monde de Pâtisserie en 2005.
Il est actuellement le chef pâtissier à l'hôtel Plaza-Athénée à Paris. 

Pour 6 personnes :
Temps de préparation : 25 minutes
Temps de cuisson : 40 minutes

Ingrédients :
  • 125 g de beurre
  • 125 g de sucre
  • 125 g d'oeufs
  • 125 g de farine
  • 6 g de levure chimique
  • 125 g de pommes

Crémez au fouet le beurre en pommade et le sucre. Emulsionnez avec les oeufs et terminez par la farine tamisée et la levure.

Versez dans un moule beurré et fariné ou alors dans un moule rempli de papier cuisson.

Décorez de rondelles de pommes et faites cuire à 170°C (th 5/6) pendant 40 minutes environ.
Vérifiez l'à-point de cuisson avec une lame de couteau qui doit ressortir sèche.

The Hangover Part 3

I walked in the Champs-Elysées avenue. And I saw big posters of the film "hangover" and people who were rolling out the red carpet.
Indeed, it's the trailer of the movie which comes out this Wednesday in France.

The film team are going to be there. So there are a lot of people who are waiting for them!

Some pictures :


Yes, I know in France it's 'very bad trip' and not "hangover", I don't know why they haven't used the English name of the movie! 

So we have to wait until Wednesday in order to see this movie ^^

(sorry for the pictures quality, I took it with my iphone 4S, but I think soon I am going to buy the iphone 5 so my pictures will be better)

mardi 21 mai 2013

Blarney Castle

Blarney Castle is located 8 km from Cork City.
This castle is very famous for its stone ! I am going to explain you why !
Here is the brochure of Blarney Castle.
Here is the map of Blarney Castle and huge gardens.

You can see a whole at the top of this castle, here is the place  you have to kiss the stone.
So you have to go up the stairs in order to arrive at the top of the castle. While waiting for my turn, I took this picture, a bid appeared on the window.
Here is the place where you can kiss the stone.
If you kiss it, you will have the power of conferring eloquence.
The stone is set in the wall below the battlements, and to kiss it, you have to lean backwards (grasping on iron railing).
It is little scary to lie on the floor and kiss this stone, but I DID it !!! ^^  I was very happy.

It is written on the left that you are not allowed to take a picture on this side, but don't pay attention to that, and take your picture because even if there is an automatic machine it is very very expensive to buy one... So take yours, and sometimes it's better !
Let's continue the visit with the gardens.

I really really enjoyed these kind of masks. It's very mysterious...

Blarney house

A mushroom which is sculpted in a tree.
The Witches Stone ! You can make a wish, I made it with an Euro coin . I hope it will happen ^^

Last thing you can see at the end of the visit of the gardens : beautiful flowers... again !

See you in an other post, don't hesitate to comment or ask questions :)

dimanche 19 mai 2013


Dingle !
If my friends are reading this post they will probably laugh...
We rent a car to go to Dingle and others places near it. And in the car we were talking about Dingle and Fungie !!!!!

Fungie?! It is the name of a dolphin who are in Dingle. This dolphin has been there since 1984.
You can take a boat if you want to see it (they repay you if you don't see Fungie), it costs 14euros for students (for almost 1 hour). It's expensive because there is only one dolphin but it really worths it !
It was the first time I saw a dolphin in the sea. I've already seen dolphins in amusement parks like Asterix near Paris.
I was so so happy to see Fungie !
It was difficult to take some pictures of Fungie because this dolphin was swimming very fast !

The boat I took in order to see FUNGIE !

After seeing Fungie, we continued our trip :

This moment was very funny. A sheep was on the road and when it saw the car it was terrified and started to climb this "hill" but unfortunately for him, the sheep was stuck at the top and was looking at us and bleated with his friends on the other side of the road.


One day, I was at home and I suddenly decided to go to Cobh. You can go there by trains (it's direct), but I had a bus ticket to go to Monkstown,(it's the limit of my monthly bus ticket), after I had to take the ferry and walk to Cobh.
I thought It was very closed to the ferry but it wasn't :)
So I paid one euro the ferry and when I got off it I saw a panel where it was written "Cobh 3,5km".
When I was on the ferry it was little scary because the weather was bad and there were a lot of waves, I took a pictures of the view but there was fog ...

I had to walk to this city, there was nobody on the street, it was some street, sometimes I crossed some cars but not a lot. So I put my music and I song at the top of my voice : "Galway girl"from Pop feast, it was so great.

Cobh is a city in Ireland (in Irish, it's An Cóbh).
From 1850 until 1920, this city was known as Queenstown.
On 11 April 1012, Queenstown was the final port of call for the RMS Titanic.
  • Titanic experience
I saw this huge panel in the street, it is very well done.

The first place I visited in Cobh was the Titanic experience but I don't recommand you to visit it because it's expensive and small, it doesn't worth it. If you have the good luck to go to Belfast don't hesitate to visit the Titanic museum there, it is very well made.

Here is my entrance ticket to visit the Titanic experience.

On this ticket, there is the name of a person who get on this boat. I was "Mary Mangan". She embarked on the RMS Titanic the 11 April 1912 in Queenstown.

  • St Colman's Cathedral
St Colman's Cathedral, overlooking Cobh, is a beautiful cathedral. It took 47 years to build, starting in 1868 and finishing in 1915.

  • Other places

Street in the Cathedral
A poor girl who played with her ball :p
Annie Moore and her brothers
Annie Moore was the first immigrant to the United Stated too be processed at the Ellis Island Immigration Station, on 1er January 1892.
Aged seventeen, she left Queenstown on 20th December 1891 with her two younger brothers. 
The sculpture by Jeanne Rynhart on the quayside depicts the departure of Annie and her brothers.