lundi 29 avril 2013

Day in Connemara

My second trip was in Connemara. I booked it with the tourism office as well but it was awful ! I spent a lot of times in the bus... But it was worth it !

So, every French persons know the song "Les lacs du Connemara" of Michel Sardou. If it's not the case, here is a video found on Youtube.

Some pictures :

I made a stop in Kylemore Abbey.

Near this castle, there is a very good restaurant, don't hesitate to have lunch there :

Continuing the visit :

dimanche 28 avril 2013

First trip in Ireland : Cliffs of Moher

For my first week end in Ireland, I decided to go to Cliffs of Moher.

So, I went to the tourist office, and I booked a trip for the day in order to discover Limerick, Poulabrone Dolmen and finally Cliffs of Moher.

  • Limerick
I stayed only few minutes in Limerick because it was just a bus stop to pick up people ^^
So I have kept only one picture of the castle that I saw very far from me.

Here is an other one with a bird :

  • Poulabrone Dolmen
This table top tomb dates back to 3000 BC.
Known in Gaelic as the "hole of sorrows".

  • Cliffs of Moher 

The Cliffs of Moher rise to 214 m at the highest point and range for 8 kilometers over the Atlantic Ocean.
These cliffs formed about 320 million years ago.

Even the toilets looks like the Cliffs of Moher 

vendredi 26 avril 2013

First post, first picture !

Hi there !

I have decided to create a blog to post some pictures, some recipes...

So my first picture represents my first day in Cork; because I am spending 3 months in Cork in order to improve my English.

Here is the picture :

It's the view of my flat balcony.
When I arrived there, it was raining, and after a sunny day; so you can see a rainbow...